SMTP SendGrid = Zero Spam
SendGrid Smtp Your cloud-based email infrastructure relieves business of the cost and complexity of maintaining unique email systems. SendGrid provides reliable delivery, scalability and real-time analytics. This is made possible by flexible APIs that integrate seamlessly.
They serve many companies and web application developers such as Pinterest, Airbnb, Twilio, Spotify and Pandora and many others. SendGrid works with about 7 billion e-mails a month.
SendGrid smtp: How can it help us?
Since its inception, it helps companies communicate with their customers through email and marketing networks (those old and boring promotions and discounts from the stores where we shop). In order to ensure the emails sent from companies reach customers without falling into the spam or junk box (Alo Amazon, correct some ads!). If you are looking to complement the way your company communicates, to connect your customers to the company, without listening to Spam complaints at Sac, it is a great idea to hire this type of company.
And if you already have problems sending emails to your customers, regardless of the way you do it, either tool or manually, and is accused of spam, and better hire SendGrid because through this SMTP system you send clean and secure emails without chance of infecting your customers' emails, it's a great solution. And we could easily configure it in VPS, and you can split this work with your CloudFlare into a unique sub-domain, with a system that works transparently and clearly, logging all the way to your client's email box, using log of DNS, scripts, everything optimized, so that it is not accused by Google for example, in the Gmail box.