
WordPress Error: wp-login.php?redirect_to=http 

An error that makes it impossible to log in to WordPress. If on top it leaves all the unrecognizable Blog unstructured to blogger panic, when accessing the wp-admin caba doing a redirect to the main site. Also the / blog directory showing in the URL wp-login.php? Redirect_to = http to the other index. Finally leaving the blog unable to log in through wp-admin. Eventually we end up changing something in the structure of the blog and sometimes create a checkmate for correction.

So in order to solve the problem, you will make two changes one in the cPanel in phpMyAdmin by changing the URL there in the WordPress database of the wp_options option in that you will make the change of the correct URL, the other change is inside the blog directory accessing via FTP in the file. htaccess switch to:

BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase / blog /
RewriteRule ^ index.php $ - [L]
RewriteRule. /blog/index.php [L]
</ IfModule>

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